Left Hand

This activity requires you to input your answer in the textbox provided. When you have done so, click the “Finish Activity” button to continue.

Tap on the first exercise box (below). You are ready to start typing.

With your fingers over the HOME KEYS, type the text below in each of the three exercise boxes by tapping the same key on your keyboard. ALWAYS USE THE CORRECT FINGER POSITION.

We will start with left hand. Begin by tapping the letter “F” with the index finger (also called the pointer finger) on the left hand. Tap “F” four times. Then tap the space bar once with your right thumb. Next tap “D” four times, then “S” and finally “A”. After each group of letters, press the space bar with your right thumb. Do this whenever you see a space between letters. Keep typing the letters until you reach the end of the box. You should erase what you’ve typed and repeat each exercise box at least two times. Press the TAB key to move to the next exercise box. When you have completed each box (a few times for practice), press “Finish Activity”, to move to the next exercise.

  • ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff dddd ssss aaaa ffff
  • asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
  • fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa

Type the text displayed in each box, following the instructions above: