Instructions for completing the Diagnostic
The questions are organized into different sections, and you must complete the questions in each section before moving to the next. The questions come in different formats so it is important for you to know these:
Yes/No or True/False
You only have to select the corresponding option, in response to the proposed statement.
Boxes for ticking (Check-box, radio-buttons)
As in the previous case, you only have to tick the corresponding box(es), in accordance with the statement. With radio-buttons you can select only one option, while check-boxes allow you to select several options
Assess based on a scale from 1 to 5
For these questions, you must read the given statements carefully and then assess your personal situation based on a scale from one to five. One (1) typically means “I don’t know / am not able to”; and Five (5) means “I am very familiar with / have a thorough knowledge of it”
After you have selected your responses, you must click “Answer” to record your responses. Read the questions carefully and think about your responses before answering. Once you click “Answer”, you can’t change your response.