To become proficient at using facebook there is a wide range of functionalities to learn. The following are some of the more commonly used, and useful features.
Add a Friend
Posting to Your Timeline
Liking and Reacting to a post
Sending a message
Firstly locate your search bar at the top of your mobile screen
Click it, and type what it is you are searching for (In this example we will be searching for “HFTIC” however you can search for any particular person, place, animal, current affairs topic, food or company, that is of interest)
Click the search icon
A list of results should appear of different categories (Posts, People, Pages, etc.). We are looking for the profile page for “Haiti Femmes & TIC” under “Pages”
Click on the listing to visit HFTIC’s timeline
“Friending” someone is the act of sending another user a friend request on Facebook. The two people are Facebook friends once the receiving party accepts the friend request. In addition to accepting the request, the user has the option of declining the friend request or hiding it using the “Not Now” feature.
Find the profile of a new friend friend you’ve made in the CSOD/JUMP programme. You can search for them using the search bar
Click on the result (in the People category) to go their profile page
Locate the “add friend” button on their profile and click on it
The button should then change to a request sent notification
You can also click on the “Friends” icon at the top of your mobile screen to see more Friends options, including “Friend Requests” sent to you or suggested “Friends you might know”
Your timeline is where another user is able to view things that you have posted such as a photograph or video you have shared or a written post. To post to your timeline:
At the top of your mobile screen of your “Newsfeed” click the box saying “post to photos and text” OR from you “Profile page / Timeline” click “What’s on your mind?”
You will see a status box where you can write a post as well as list of things you may do
You can choose whether to make your Post public or to be shared only with your Friends
Click on add photos and videos ( you may choose multiple or choose to take one with your camera)
After selecting your photo/s write something about it in the status box
Going through your Newsfeed or other areas of Facebook you have come across posts that others have shared. How do you express how you feel about the post? Below the post you are interested in, you’ll see the icons for “Like” “Comment” or “Share”.
Like: This is just a simple way of showing your friends that you enjoyed what they shared. To like a post, simply click the Like button. You can also like the Facebook page for businesses and organizations to receive updates about them in your News Feed. Got to the HFTIC page you found earlier and “Like” it
Comment: You can also leave a comment about a post. Your friends will be able to see whenever you comment on something, as will the friends of the person who originally shared the post. To leave a comment, simply type it in the comment box below a post, then press “Post/Send”
Share: Facebook makes it easy reshare the things your friends post. Just click Share at the bottom of a post to share it with your other friend
Accidentally liked a post? or did you just change your mind? By clicking the like button again will unlike the photo
Direct messaging on Facebook is very similar to Instant Messaging on WhatsApp or Google Hangout. Facebook messages allow you to communicate privately with your friends on Facebook. Unlike the other things you share on Facebook, such as status updates or photos, chats and messages will not be shared with all of your friends or posted on your Timeline.
Click at the top right of the screen.
Click New Message.
Start typing a name into the To field. Names of friends will appear in a dropdown.
Select the person or people you want to message.
Type your message, then press enter to send.
With Facebook Messenger, you can also send photos, videos, and also make calls, similar to WhatsApp’s functionality