Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Course Evaluation

Social Media Etiquette –

In previous modules, we defined Netiquette (Net Etiquette) as the appropriate practices and informal guidelines that govern online behaviours. We also described specific examples of good Netiquette for using communication tools such as Email and WhatsApp.

In this module, we highlight some of the established code of behavior for online social networking communities. Online communities, unlike typical real-world communities comprise great diversity with many persons from different religions, races and widely differing cultures and backgrounds. Within this diverse, online space we communicate with others, without the benefit of a face-to-face conversation, and unconscious cues such as the tone of their voice, their facial expression and their body language. It is extremely easy to misinterpret words on a page, Netiquette is intended to help us to think about how we communicate online and to make us aware of the effect our words could have on others reading them.

Here are some of the most common Do’s and Dont’s in Social Media Netiquette:

Thank, Acknowledge and Support People

Acknowledge Before Disagreeing

Make Your Perspective Clear

Expressing Your Emotions

Play By the Rules

Think Before You Post

Add a Profile Picture

Don’t be too quick to react

Social Media Etiquette for Business