Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Course Evaluation

Common Functions of 𝕏

To become proficient at using Twitter there is a wide range of functionalities to learn. The following are some of the more commonly used, and useful features.


  1. Firstly locate your search bar at the top of your mobile screen
  2. Click it, and type what it is you are searching for (In this example we will be searching for “HFTIC” however you can search for any particular person, place, animal, current affairs topic, food or company, that is of interest)
  3. Click the search icon A list of results should appear . We are looking for the profile page for “Haiti Femmes & TIC” profile”
  4. Click on the listing to visit HFTIC’s profile.


After Searching for HFTIC and successfully finding their twitter profile we will now follow. this will allow us to see updates/ tweets posted by HFTIC. Simply locate the “Follow” button, it should be located somewhere to the right of the profile and click it

  1. To post a tweet, select the New Tweet button near the top of the screen. The tweet box will appear.
  2. You can type what you want to post, then select Tweet. ( Keep in mind that posts on Twitter are limited to 280 characters. The counter will tell you how many characters you have left as you type. )
  3. The tweet will be shared publicly, along with anyone who follows you on Twitter. It’ll also appear at the top of your newsfeed.

Tweets aren’t limited to text. For example, you can include a photo with your tweet. To do this:

  1.  select the New Tweet button,
  2. then choose the camera icon

When you include a hashtag in a tweet, you’re basically categorizing that post.if you select a hashtag, you’ll see other posts that have used it. This is an easy way to follow along with popular topics on twitter. Simply insert the hashtag symbol (#) before any word or phrase when writing a tweet. After you’ve posted the tweet, you can select the hashtag to see other posts that use it.

  1. Tap the envelope icon. You’ll be directed to your messages.
  2. Tap the message icon to create a new message.
  3. In the address box, enter the name(s) or @username(s) of the people you wish to send a message to.
  4. A group message can include up to 50 people. In addition to text, you can include a photo, video, GIF