Facebook is a social networking site where users create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues. Facebook is the biggest social media network on the Internet, both in terms of total number of users and name recognition. In this module we will work with the Facebook mobile App.
Installing Facebook on your Android Device
- Open Google Play.

- Search for “Facebook” in the search bar.
- Access the app’s information page.
- Tap on the Install button.
Creating your Facebook Account
- Open the facebook App on your mobile device. You need to be connected to the Internet to create a Facebook account, or login to an existing account
- If you already have a Facebook account, login
- Otherwise, click on “Create New Facebook Account” to setup your new facebook account
- You are to be taken to a page that asks for you to join facebook go ahead and “click next” to proceed.
- Fill out the relevant: name, birthday, gender form fields.
- You are now able to choose between signing up with your phone number or with your email, type in your phone number if that is your choice, if not click the “Sign up With Email Address” link at the bottom of your screen.
- Choose a Password (Remember password considerations)
- And Finish Signing up.(You have the option of facebook going through your device contacts and automatically finding your contacts on facebook and giving them to you as suggestions)
If you’re new to Facebook, there are a lot of terms and phrases that may seem a little confusing at first. Reviewing some of the most commonly used terms will give you a better understanding of how Facebook works and what to expect as you get started.
- NewsFeed: The News feed is a stream of updates from your friends and any Facebook Pages you follow. This is where you’ll probably spend most of your time on Facebook, since it’s where you can view and comment on what’s happening with all of your friends.
- Timeline: Also known as your profile page, the Timeline is where you’ll share information about yourself on Facebook. For example, it’s where you’ll post your profile picture and share basic information about yourself.
- Status update: One of the most common things people share on Facebook are status updates, which are short, text-based posts your friends can see and comment on.
- Friend: You can add people you know as friends on Facebook. Your friends will see the things you share, including status updates and photos.
- Tag: Friends can tag you in photos and posts they share on Facebook. Posts you’re tagged in will appear on your Timeline.
- Like: Whenever your friends share something on Facebook, you can choose to like the post. This is just a simple way of showing your friends that you enjoyed what they shared.
- Notification: You’ll receive a notification in an email message and on your homepage whenever someone interacts with you on Facebook.
Facebook Mobile App Interface
Although Facebook is often used from the web (http://www.facebook.com) using a browser, the Facebook mobile app makes it easy to connect on the go and you can do just about everything you can do in the web version of Facebook: post status updates and pictures, read stories and updates, and chat with friends.
- Your News Feed is the default screen when you login with the mobile App, and you can swipe up to scroll through stories in your News Feed.You can also like, comment on, or share friends’ posts.
- Tap on the Menu icon in the top right to navigate to other parts of Facebook, like your Timeline, events, and groups, friends, etc.
- The Search function and the “Status Post” functions are also readily found at the top of the NewsFeed screen on the mobile App